Since moving to the Bay Area I’ve been doing a decent job of managing the emotions that come with uprooting and adjusting to a new place. I’ve definitely had down days where I miss my friends and community in Madison, but thankfully the Bay Area has so many distractions and...

  • April 11, 2013

If I were to rely solely on the comments sections of comic book industry news sites I’d be led to believe that Superior Spider-Man is the worst thing to happen to Marvel – ever. In truth, it’s one of the best titles the company currently has, which is saying quite...

  • April 8, 2013

There’s a rather silly equivalency being repeated on the Internet that Twitter replaced Google Reader. Joshua Rothman, for example, makes this suggestion in his recent post for New Yorker. He writes: You might feel great when you reach Inbox Zero, but, believe me, it feels even better to reach Reader...

  • March 17, 2013

How much does it cost to write a $15,000 check to the Wounded Warrior Project? Much more than the sum written on the giant check Distilled Spirits Council President and CEO Dr. Peter H. Cressy presented to the organization Monday night. DISCUS was the host of the Spirit of Charlotte event...

  • September 5, 2012

Last night on the stage at the Republican National Convention Rep. Paul Ryan found out what it would take to make the mainstream media stand up and start calling out falsehoods and lies in a political campaign. The Vice Presidential candidate from Janesville did himself a serious disservice when he...

  • August 30, 2012

At least one Texan may care quite a bit about helping Wisconsin State Senator Randy Hopper keep his seat. Flyers recently surfaced in District 18 encouraging voters to cast votes for Zombie candidate and anti-Wisconsin businessman John Buckstaff in the Democratic primary against Jessica King on July 12. Buckstaff is running at the behest...

  • July 9, 2011

I didn’t personally understand the initial email outrage. Even if Governor Scott Walker was being a typical hyperbolic politician regarding the emails, simply citing that he was basing decisions off “8,000 emails” should have been enough for critics. It is, after all, barely one-eighth of one percent of the population...

  • March 23, 2011